
Katmandoo is a bio-sciences database developed by the Department of Agriculture & Fisheries Queensland and the New South Wales Department of Primary Industries to store crop data. Katmandoo is built as a customisable system which can be modified to fit a variety of data sets, while still enforcing statistical principals into the underlying structure.
Katmandoo is built using the .NET framework and can be run on platforms which support this. Supported databases include MySQL 5.7 or higher and SQL Server 2016 or higher. Please let us know if your environment does not support the current release version of Katmandoo.
Katmandoo has a number of methods for accessing data.  The primary RESTful Application Programming Interface (API) implements the OData (Open Data Protocol) standard (version 4).  More information regarding this standard including URL structure and JSON data formats can be found here.
To get started with Katmandoo version 3 please view the Help section of this site which can be found here.
If you are seeking help regarding the legacy windows forms version of Katmandoo please contact us for more information.