
Taxonomy of a Genotype. Genus visibility can be restricted to certain Sub-systems by adjusting Authorised Genus.

For help on the basic functions surrounding the genus page, here are some links below

Searching for a Genus
This link will give instructions on all the functions and tools that appear on the search page

Adding and Editing a Genus
This link has all the information needed on how data can be added in Katmandoo V3

Importing Genera
This link will go to the help page that details how to import large amounts of data in the Database.

Exporting Genera
This link will go to the export page with all the information surrounding the Export pop-up and all of its functions

Restricting Genus Based on Sub-System

As mentioned above Genera can be restricted based on subsystem. To adjust this must be done through the System Group Page.

When on that page search and then selected a Sub System grouping. On the view page to the left is a button that says “Authorised Genus”

This will take the system to a page that allows for allocation and de-allocation of different genera for the selected System Group